“xSlinky PurpleB&W” Resource Pack Installer for Minecraft 1.8

You can use this resource package when playing PVP on Minecraft servers.

This resource pack is created by ImForrestMC , please support editors.

Internet Explorer users:

When downloading the .exe version of the installer, save the installer to a location like desktop, then run it. Do not run it straight from the browser, if you do you might get the “Skydaz Addons has stopped working”.

Resource Pack Version: v1 for Minecraft 1.8.x


Download Here .zip (MD5: a74d4f2eb214f2b09d8a26192a030e0e) [drct]

Download Here .exe (MD5: e6b2a629c319a83caacc1a3ade58509b) [drct]

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