“Alfa Propself 1K Subscriber Special” Resource Pack Installer for Minecraft 1.8

You can use this resource package when playing PVP on Minecraft servers.

This resource pack is created by Alfa Propself , please support editors.

Internet Explorer users:

When downloading the .exe version of the installer, save the installer to a location like desktop, then run it. Do not run it straight from the browser, if you do you might get the “Skydaz Addons has stopped working”.

Resource Pack Version: v1 for Minecraft 1.8.x


Download Here .zip (MD5: 44ada1053ec6ad7102180ec49028b33c) [drct]

Download Here .exe (MD5: 17c336a6485354b99a16404d4f30ea06) [drct]

About Alfa Propself